Saturday, 7 September 2019

Install Printer on Ubuntu 15.10 ( fedora, centos, all linux OS ) step by step through Browser .

Install Printer on Ubuntu 15.10 step by step through browser (Cups )

Install Printer on ubuntu 15.10 ( all version of linux ) through cups .
Just follow some steps , open browser ( firefox , chrome etc ..)

Type in browser localhost:631 or IP:631 

Click on Adding Printes and classes 

Click  Add Printers 

Select your Printer or Drivers 

Select your Page size or Dpi or Set default option

Click on Your Printer Name " EPSON_LX_300 " , we can modify or Print test page through this option .

Through this method you canfigure remote system printer also without moving your body . Just you can change only 

IP:631   ( Remote system ip in Your browser ) ....

Enjoy this settings ..... share your review ......

Ravi Ranjan Kr Singh
If you like my blog than please Donate


convert any audio file in MP3 on Ubunut 15.10 ( fedora , redhat , centos , linux )

Convert any audio file in MP3 on Ubunut 15.10 ( fedora , redhat , centos , linux )

Through sound Convert on ubuntu we convert any audio format on MP3. SoundConverter is a simple sound converter application for the GNOME environment. It reads sound files in any format supported by GStreamer and outputs them in Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, or WAV format, or MP3 format if you have the GStreamer LAME plugin.

Installing process of sound converter 
 open Ubuntu software center - type Sound convert - click install 

 Open Sound converter

Add audio file and click on convert button

You can see in same folder , you get converted file on MP3 format .

Enjoy  .........

Ravi Ranjan Kr Singh
If you like my blog than please Donate



Use multiple Terminal on single Terminal on ubuntu , fedora , redhat etc

Use multiple Terminal on single Terminal on LINUX

Through terminator you can run multiple terminal on single terminal , for running command & monitoring purpose . Follow the steps to install terminator on ubuntu all version .Open ubuntu software center - find Terminator - click on install  . follow the screen shots .

In last screen we see that , we are running multiple session on single terminal .

Ravi Ranjan Kr Singh
If you like my blog than please Donate


Linux Solutions

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